
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Funny Tactics!

So I have been playing with some mates of mine and trying out some new crazy and funny things.
Taking Tristana's rocket jump at Level 1 and jumping over the oppositions wall and waiting for them to realize your standing there is quite funny. Having your team waiting in enemy jungle, near the blue buff is also fantastic for getting that first blood.
So now Ive got a question for you...
Have you ever seen one of those players so desperate for first blood they sacrifice you.... or themselves to get it?
Yeah you know those crazy jerks who run in like a vicious animal and tower dive at level 1.

Tell your story in the comments below.

And now I would like to show a video that I found on YouTube.

Presenting LEVEL 1 GANKS.

Just click this link for a good laugh with some awesome summoners as they explore a new route for that first blood frenzy!

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