
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The funny things we do!

Just a funny Picture of some great Summoners  all dancing around Dragon.

They were all good sports. We even went so far at end game as to give Sona a Pentakill, which for Sona, that is quite EPIC!
Although staged of course.
Many Thanks to StreamKills, Celebriel, and slayer of  lords on this.
 And also thanks to the enemy team for being good sports!

                 (yes I know the writing on the shot is a bit childish but I dont really care lol)

Funny thing about this and I did not have time to catch it. (I was in the processes of downloading EZVid and did not have it ready in time to catch this action)
the enemy talon was a late comer in the game probably due to lag, began to come after me and as he was I almost got first blood doing MASSIVE  Damage on him with a Dorans Blade and Full Attack Damage Runes, until enemy Riven came in and defended him. I jumped out of their base with full heath as well! 

Full Tank Team going All Mid. Took out both mid towers before 20 mins along with 1 Top tower. Was a fun game watching the enemy team spamming chat with WTF!!!! O.O
Thanks to my mates PiktasRusas, Sh4d0wfl4m3, chattoo, and Ch4Ck4L for such a funny game. ^.^

Was a long game of Twisted Treeline. We basically focused on tanking turrets and jungling while the enemy team got super greedy. In the end we were just having a good time Laughing at the Enemy Rengar, he obviously had no clue what he was doing and for a while we let them push just for a bit of challenge. about 30 minutes into the game we knew we had the win in the bag. Lots of fun!
Thanks a lot to Sh4d0wfl4m3, and chattoo for staying up way past their bedtimes loaded on caffeine for this one. 

(I will post more to this section of the blog as it happens)


  1. Arab games have a half a second delay avoid playing with them !!!!!!!!!!! It's a nightmare, and the worst thing about it is a that the call you noob even if u complain about lag !!!!!!!!!!!
    Please ban Arabs from EU west !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. LOL try 4 supports and one AD Carry . . . its the funniest thing and the other team think you are trolling. This strategy works believe me its awesome !

  3. yes its wonderful the enemy team thinks that you all suck but being full support as long as your ad carry can get fed the game is yours late game
